While many factors can lead to sluggish sales, probably the most critical mistake we see is that a lot of marketers lose sight of who their customers are. We recently worked with a client to help them understand why sales were stagnant. They were doing the same things they always did and what they were doing stopped working. We did some digging and found some issues that created the problem: Sales weren’t using the support…
That’s right, I said amazing. But not everyone would agree with me. In fact, there are several schools of thought out there that think direct mail is dead, old fashioned or that they’ve been there, done that—with little success. We proudly [and quite defiantly] don’t attend or subscribe to any of those schools and instead would like to tell you that it isn’t dead. In fact, when you combine a targeted, direct mail outbound strategy…
So how often have we gone to work and subtly been thinking, “How can we use God today for my agenda?” I challenge us to shift our thinking. Instead, let’s ask God what He is up to and how HE can use US today. One of the best ways we can bring God to work with us every day is to bring in the power of prayer and seek what He is doing around us. I have…
Outbound marketing is constantly evolving. But regardless of the ever-changing times, there is one secret ingredient critical to the success of outbound marketing that has stayed the same: CREATIVITY. Successful outbound marketing used creative thinking to overcome every hurdle it faces – we’ve seen it time and time again. Of course, creativity is easier said, than done. Deliver Magazine recently showcased several great examples of outbound marketing that utilized a wide variety of creative solutions…