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Harris Roberts

7 Examples of Great Brand Positioning Strategy

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BRAND STRATEGY Great brand strategy revolves around clearly articulating your differentiation against competitors. You must continually push these differentiators to customers. One of the best ways to achieve this is by aligning your branding with your unique value propositions. CREATE A NEW VALUE CURVE The Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas advises that you compete on attributes that your competitors have failed to serve. For years high growth companies have entered markets by first catering to an underserved niche market. Netflix started…

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The Secret To Building A Great Brand

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How is it that companies like Apple can come out with literally anything (TVs, phones, watches, etc.) and people come out in droves to buy them? Is it their product? Maybe. But more likely, it’s branding, branding, and more branding. With all of our projects at Figmints, we always recommend branding as an essential starting point. Want a new website? An engaging testimonial video? A new digital marketing strategy? We love it—but the success of these projects are…

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